I said to my husband this weekend, “Well at least now that the Patriot’s aren’t in the SuperBowl, it’ll just be easier to relax and enjoy the snacks, and not be stressed out about them winning” — word of advice: don’t say this to a still-grieving Patriot’s fan. The truth is that regardless of the outcome, I never would have been stressed about the game, and would have been 100% focused on the snacks, because I’m a girl with priorities. In preparation for the big game, I tackled a spin on one of my favorite party-food staples: onion dip! I made my own and used caramelized shallots and leeks in lieu of the traditional onion flavor, topped with tons of fresh herbs and served with flavorful Food Should Taste Good Blue Corn Tortilla Chips (which are all-natural and gluten-free, so it’s like I’ve helped you make a healthy SuperBowl snack, right?). It’s going to a mainstay for Sunday football watching in the future.
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