Entertaining Heart Straws. February 7, 2011 Guess what arrived in the mail this weekend? Supplies for my Valentine’s day party! I’m most excited about the heart straws that I ordered. Stick around this week for lots of Valentine’s day entertaining talk, I’ve been crafting for days. Tagged with → hearts • paper straws • valentine • valentines day
your Vday party sounds cuter everyday!! hope you had a fun weekend 🙂
joAnn @ http://idratherbeshopping.wordpress.com
Eeeee those are fabulous! I can’t wait to see what crafts you have come up with!
Kate dear, what is that amazing fabric??? I’ve been obsessed since I first saw it this morning! Details, please! 🙂
It’s a P.Kaufmann fabric — though I can’t seem to find it online anywhere!
Can I ask where you got the straws? They are so adorable!
You can get them on Etsy from a couple of vendors: