It’s been 8 weeks since my last bump update, and which is a testament to how life seems to be flying by lately. Part of me feels like I’ve been pregnant forever. I look down at that app on my phone and see the days count down though (oh gosh, five weeks and a few days to go!) and I’m absolutely amazed at how time is passing by so quickly in this stage. And with that, a few updates! img_6105_edited-1 read more

Right away when I found out I was pregnant my friends and family jokingly asked if I was ready to become a “mommy blogger” and I scoffed at it with such repulsion! After keeping my new secret  from the blog for so long though,  I realized that there was no way I could  really separate something so big happening in my life from my writing here. When I first started the site, I was decorating our first apartment, and a lot of the content focused on decorating. As I got engaged, wedding content started popping up here a lot more often. My favorite part about maintaining this blog is that it has been like a living diary for me to catalog my experiences, and I don’t think this next phase of my life will be any different.IMG_4778 read more

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen some pretty big news announced this weekend — we’re expecting a new (and tiny!) member of team Domestikatedlife in January. I’ve just about reached my maximum life limit for secret keeping by not announcing this sooner on the blog, but knowing that a confetti-filled party was how I would let the cat out of the bag helped me keep my lips shut for much longer than I am usually able. This weekend we went to the doctor and had the ultrasound technician at the appointment write down the gender of our baby. We patiently (just kidding, I was so not patient) waited for a crew of a few our closest friends and our immediate families to come over to our house for a gender reveal BBQ to share in the excitement of the news. Gender Reveal 1 read more

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