I finally finished my upholstered headboard project this weekend (with only a few minor speedbumps along the way). At the last minute I changed my mind and switched from the grey ikea fabric to a velvety golden yellow color; I decided that since I haven’t yet fallen in love with a new bedspread that  I would choose an upholstery fabric that would match with both my old and new color schemes.

I decided that using a big piece of plywood like I had originally planned was going to be too cumbersome with my 1. lack of car and 2. possible moving at the end of the summer… so I substituted the heavy wood idea with a frame made out of stretcher strips used for stretching canvases:


In another attempt to substitute, instead of using an expensive piece of decorators foam, I bought an egg crate foam pad from target and cut it to fit the frame, which I then attached with staples:



Then I laid out the fabric and stretched and stapled it just like assembling a canvas:


And after attaching some picture hangers to the back of the canvas and nailing it up to the wall, voila! my upholstered headboard is complete:



Now onto the next project… pillows?

I was holding off on this post because I wanted to finish a little project I’ve been working on, but it seems that silhouettes are the rage and I don’t want to be behind the curve! Apartment Therapy posted  DIY Silhouette instructions last month, and followed up last week with some more black and white inspiration. I’ve seen them popping up all over etsy; showing up on dinnerware, and nestled in gallery-style photo arrangements.

I originally started an embroidery project to create a silhouette pillow, but after seeing them framed for wall display, I may decide to stretch my finished product over a canvas, or use an emroidery hoop as a frame!

Here’s my (seemingly never ending) work in progress:


And some of my inspiration for the project:


apt-therapy-silhouette2Via Apartment Therapy 


Via Apartment Therapy


Thomas Paul via Oprah


Via foohqwah’s flickr

I love gallery style walls of art in homes. While I’ve faced little difficulty in growing my collection of art, displaying it in a meaningful composition can be a challenge, especially when that collection is constantly growing and evolving.

Wes and Kayla from ApartmentTherapy just posted a great “How-To” on hanging art in a group that can grow. I’m anxiously awaiting until my personal collection is as robust and well-curated as these displays below:


Image from MadebyGirl


Image from Domino


Image from GoGoAbigail

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