Are you getting back into the swing of things after the holidays? It always amazes me how much of a struggle it is to get back into work-mode after several days away from my computer, I have such trouble regaining my focus. But I do have some goodies up my sleeve this week, like pictures from my New Years Eve party, my birthday plans, and even a calendar giveaway to help you keep those New Years resolutions to stay organized!
Speaking of resolutions, did you make any this year? I’m notorious for writing a long list of unattainable and contradictory goals like “Stick to a budget, save money” and “Be more stylish, buy bolder accessories.” Last year was the first year I actually stuck to a resolution, I pledged to grow my hair out for Locks of Love. I haven’t cut it yet, but boy is it getting long! I think the key was that it was a reasonable goal, so I need to mull over what a solid, attainable goal can be for myself to work on this year. I’d love to hear what your resolutions are!
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