I am going to admit it, I’m a weirdo and already have Jane’s Easter basket completely planned out even thought it’s several weeks away! It’s so fun that she’s starting to really understand the excitement of holidays (we already took out some plastic eggs that she’s been filling up with “treasures”), and I found a few fun treats I couldn’t wait to tuck away for her easter basket this year. I thought I’d share a few of them in case you need some inspiration for your kiddos too! read more

We are going to talk all-things Instant Pot today! I have been meaning to write this post for a while now because every time I share a recipe that involves my Instant Pot I get tons of questions like: “is it worth it?” and comments like: “I have one and I’m scared to use it!”  We bought ours more than a year ago and have made dozens of recipes in it, so I thought I’d share an honest review of what I like about it, what I don’t, and our go-to meals we use it for! read more

When we went to London last spring we had an amazing champagne tea service at Sketch and I’ve been dreaming about the coronation chicken salad sandwiches we had there ever since! I’ve been experimenting with this recipe — my own variation of the curry chicken salad — for weeks now and can’t stop eating it for lunch. It’s so tasty that I actually just eat a scoop of it in a bowl — no bread or wraps needed! I even made a triple batch to serve in mini roll-ups at my mom’s 60th birthday brunch we hosted a few weeks ago — (I added a bit more greek yogurt and mayonnaise to the party-sized serving) and it was a fan-favorite at the party. Most importantly, it’s very easy to make which is perfect for meal-prepping so that I always have a healthyish lunch to grab in the fridge during the week. I have made it with chopped up rotisserie chicken, or leftover poached chicken (I actually make mine in the Instant Pot with just a little bit of salt, pepper, and chicken stock) — use whatever you have on hand! Get the full recipe below: read more

Earlier this month I was invited by my friends at MassMutual to sit in on event they were hosting at the TD Garden called the FutureSmart Challenge. The events are held in partnership with local NBA basketball teams and actor/authorHill Harperto help bring financial education to middle school and high school students in cities across the United States. The goal through these events and corresponding digital programs is to reach and educate 2 million students by 2020 on the topics of financial literacy and the importance of education. To date, they’ve already impacted more than 54,000 students across 20 major cities! read more

Resolutions aren’t just for the New Year! I’m always thinking about ways I can reset my goals each season; there is something about the shift that makes me feel ready to start fresh! One big goal I have as we enter spring is to be a little bit more mindful about my healthy choices, and I have a little bit of a springtime wellness “bucket list” I’ve been thinking about as the weather gets warmer! read more

I was silent on the blog last week while I was working on some behind-the-scene projects, and after a nice weekend of recharging I’m back in action today with a new download post! I’m talking about a few of my recent recipes that have been big weeknight dinner hits, what’s on my reading list this month, and a few spring obsessions (including some darling Easter basket finds for Jane!): read more

One-pan meals are my savior for quick weeknight dinners when I’m trying to wrap up work and wrangle a toddler during the dreaded 5:00 meltdown hour. It’s an added bonus if I can prep everything during Jane’s nap time, toss it together in a pan, and leave it in the fridge until it’s ready to roast in the evening. This recipe is one of those meals that is key for a busy week! Three main ingredients get added to the pan — chicken breast, red onion slices and carrot medallions. Then everything gets coated in a simple sauce made of butter, dijon mustard, maple syrup and honey and seasoned with chili powder. The flavors come together when roasting as the carrots and onions caramelize and the sauce gives the chicken a sweet and tangy flavor with a touch of spice! I ate this on its own for lunch when I first made it, and then served the leftovers (which reheated very well!) over some rice pilaf the next day. Get the full recipe below: read more

I’ve got a few parties on the calendar this season that include birthdays, brunches and showers, so adding some new appetizer recipes to my repertoire have been on my mind.  I’ve been testing the recipe for these Goat Cheese and Walnut Tarts to have on the menu for all that upcoming spring entertaining! read more

I took a little poll recently on my instagram about some new blog post ideas, and one that got resounding positive feedback was Trader Joe’s hack recipes! I love Trader Joe’s and I rely on so many of their frozen foods, great sauces and specialty items for making quick and easy dinners at home. This recipe is one of those fast-fix meals, and the best part is that it can be made in one-pan for minimal clean-up. It starts with their popular cauliflower gnocchi, which gets added to the pan while still frozen and tossed with tomatoes, olive oil, herbs and seasonings. It roasts for about 30 minutes and tossing the ingredients once or twice mid-cooking helps everything get coated in the blistered tomato juices and ensures the gnocchi has a perfectly crisped outside and fluffy texture inside. It’s so simple to make I even had time to make it for a lunch last week! Get the full recipe below: read more

I have been really good lately with my healthy-eating since kicking off the new year with some goals around losing weight (gotta slim down for my Maid of Honor duties when my sister gets married this fall!). But gosh, sometimes you just need a good bowl of pasta and have to break the healthy streak. Last week was one of those times, I was desperately craving some al dente noodles and decided to make a quick dish for lunch while my mom was visiting. This pasta recipe hit the spot — the sauce comes together with butter and garlic, white wine and reserved pasta water. The warm pasta gets tossed into the pan with parmesan cheese, lemon zest and parsley for tons of flavor.  Bright green steamed asparagus and broccolini give the dish color and texture, and the veggies make me feel a tiny bit better about inhaling all of that pappardelle! Get the full recipe below and save it for when you’re ready for your own emergency pasta-fix:
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